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Red Store, Yellow Store, Blue Store and Green Store: The Rochdale Pioneers and their Rivals in the late Nineteenth Century

ISBN 4-903543-01-3/ISBN 978-4-903543-01-7

Takashi SUGIMOTO(杉本貴志)


Red Store, Yellow Store, Blue Store and Green Store: The Rochdale Pioneers and their Rivals in the late Nineteenth Century

杉本貴志著、Red Store, Yellow Store, Blue Store and Green Store: the Rochidale Pioneers and their Rivals in the Nineteenth Century、A4判、55ページ、頒価500円送料別

In this paper the birth and development of the co-operatives which were rivals of the Rochdale Equitable Pioneers Society are traced. Though the famous Pioneers Society has been studied by many historians, little is known about its rivals in Rochdale. In 1870 there were four co-operative stores, each with its own ‘colour’, in the birthplace of Co-operation. This work sets out to dig up these forgotten co-ops in the historical records and to clarify the meaning of the split in the Pioneers. In the course of the argument the position of the Pioneers in the co-operative movement should become clear.


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